Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Conditional Sentences

            Conditional Sentences are also known as conditional clause or if clauses. They are used to express that in the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of conditional sentences.

True in the present/future
Simple present
Simple present
Will + simple form
If I have enough time, I watch TV every evening.
If I have enough time, I will watch TV later on tonight.
Untrue in the present/future
Simple past
Would + simple form
If I had enough time, I would watch TV now or later on.
Untrue in the past
Past perfect
Would have + past participle
If I had have enough time, I would have watched TV yesterday.

Or to make it easy to understand, we can use this list:
If clause
Result clause
Present tense
S + V1
Future tense
S + Will + V1
Real in present/ future
Pasr tense
S + V2
Past future
S + Would + V1
Unreal in present/ future
Past perfect
S + Had + V3
Past future perfect
S + have/has + V3
Unreal in past

            In writting conditional sentences, we may put the “IF CLAUSE” before the “RESULT CLAUSE” and vice vista.
            However, we must put comma (,) at the end of the “RESULT CLAUSE” if the “IF CLAUSE” is put before the “RESULT CLAUSE”.
            Also, the meaning of fact must be on the contrary with the conditional sentence. So, if the conditional sentence is in positive form, the fact will be in negative one and vice vista.
A.    Conditional sentence type 1
·         I will fix your bicycle if I have a screwdriver of the proper size.
·         Jack will shave today if he has a sharp razor.
·         If I have an apple to breakfast, I will give you my oatmeals.
·         If I have my computer back, I will do your homework.
·         Yayan will go to the college if Amanda goes too.
·         I will play my role if you keep my secret.
·         Kaitlin will forgive your mistake if you promise to do her task every day.
·         We will not go  skating if you think the ice is dangerously thin.
·         I will stop crying if they don’t force me anymore.
·         Wawan will return the book to the library if the rain stop.
B.     Conditional sentence type 2
·         If I had enough time now, I would write to my parents.
Fact: I don’t have enough time now, so I don’t write to my parents.
·         He would not come  to your party if you didn’t invite him.
Fact: He will come to your party because you invite him.
·         If the weather was very bad, we would take the train.
Fact: we don’t take the train because the weather is clearly nice.
·         If I went to the post office, I would get you some stamps.
Fact: I don’t go to the post office, so I don’t get some stamps.
·         I would not live in the city if you didn’t convince me.
Fact: I live in the city because you convince me.
·         She would teach in this school if Shannon didn’t study in here.
Fact: She don’t teach in this school because Shannon study in here.
·         If the weather were very bad, all schools would closed.
Fact: the weather is nice, so all schools are not closed.
·         Gattan would keep the keys if you didn’t accept the order from his mother to lock that doors.
Fact: Gattan don’t keep the keys because you accept the order from his mother to lock that doors.
C.     Conditional sentence type 3
·         If you had told me about the problem, I would have helped you.
Fact: You did not tell me about the problem, so I did not help you.
·         I would not have git wet yesterday if I had remenbered to take umbrella with me yesterday.
Fact: I got wet, because I did not remember o take my umbrella with me yesterday.
·         If he had made a large sale, he would have taken  his wife to an expensive restaurant.
Fact: he has not make a large sale, so he did not take his wife to an expensive restaurant.
·         If you had not understand  this math problem, I would have explained to you.
Fact: you understood this math problem, so I did not exlpaine to you.
·         She would have returned her new dress to the store if her husband had not like her new dress.
Fact: she did not return her new dress to the store because her husband liked her new dress.
·         If I had made a big trouble in here, I would have got a badly punishment.
Fact: I did not make a big trouble in here, so I did not get a badly punishment.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Kafe Kreativitas Mahasiswa


                  “Gunadarma adalah kampus yang anti kantin!”
                Well,  itulah kalimat yang pernah dikatakan banyak dosen kepada kami pada saat pertama masuk kuliah. Terkejut memang, namun yang membuat kami bingung adalah; mengapa pernyataan tersebut bisa muncul?
                Jika jawabannya karena pihak kampus tak ingin ambil pusing dengan penempatan kantin, mungkin bisa dimaklumi karena kampus Gunadarma tersebar di berbagai tempat di Kota Depok dan Jakarta. Tapi sepertinya hal itu bukanlah alasan yang kuat.
                Alasan lain yang mungkin terpikirkan oleh kami adalah masalah kebersihan. Tak hanya kebersihan tempat, kebersihan yang berhubungan dengan pelaku kantin juga patut dipertanyakan. Dalam artian para pelaku kantin harus jujur dan menaati peraturan yang ditetapkan pihak kampus agar ketertiban dapat terjaga. Sehingga hal-hal yang ditakuti seperti perusakan infrastruktur kampus dan masalah-masalah fatal lainnya dapat dihindari.
                Kantin atau lebih populernya disebut kafe, bisa kita siasati menjadi kafe kreativitas mahasiswa. Mahasiswa bisa berwirausaha di sana. Tak hanya bisnis makanan, berbagai bisnis lain seperti pakaian, aksesoris, atau bahkan pameran kesenian juga bisa dilakukan di sana. Kafe kreativitas ini akan sangat membantu mahasiswa untuk mengefisienkan waktu karena tak perlu jauh-jauh untuk mencari tempat makan siang. Selain itu, kafe ini juga bisa menjadi wadah bagi para mahasiswa yang ingin memulai wirausaha tapi tak punya tempat untuk memulai.
                Bayangkan saja apabila ide kafe keativitas ini dapat terwujud. Tak hanya keuntungan materi saja yang bisa didapat, ilmu dan pengalaman bagi mahasiswa pelaku wirausaha dan seni juga bisa bertambah. Pelajaran tentang memulai usaha tak akan hanya sebatas materi saja, melainkan dapat langsung diterapkan di kafe tersebut. Yang pada akhirnya bisa mengangkat nama Gunadarma menjadi kampus yang melahirkan banyak enterpreneur muda berbakat, yang sangat berguna bagi terbentuknya kemandirian ekonomi sekaligus sebagai penyerap tenaga kerja yang optimal, sehingga masalah angka pengangguran tinggi yang selama ini selalu menggerogoti negara sedikit demi sedikit bisa terselesaikan.
                Semoga curahan pikiran mengenai kantin kampus ini dapat membuka peluang-peluang usaha bagi yang membacanya. Tetap kreatif, dan jangan pernah menganggap bahwa berwirausaha itu sulit! Tetap semangat, dan SALAM GUNADARMA!

Amanda Dwi Praharani