Senin, 16 Maret 2015


Conditional sentece :
"A sentence of a person convicted of a crime which allow that person to serve his sentence whilst continuing to reside within his/her community, subject to supervision and reporting, and fully recoverable in the event of breach of those conditions."

(Sumber :

Conditional sentences : The modals will, would, can, and could often appears in conditional sentences. Usually conditional sentences contain the word if. There are two types of conditionals :
  • The real (factual adn habitual)
  • The unreal (contrary to fact or hypothetical).
The real, or "future possible" as it is sometimes called, is used when the speaker expresses an action or situation which usually occurs, or will occur if the circumstances in the main clause are met.

Hypothetical situation :
  • ex: If I am not planning anything for this evening, when someone asks me if I want to go to the movies, I say : If I have the time, I will go.

Nama      : Amanda Dwi Praharani
Kelas      : 4EA01
NPM      : 10211657

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